By completing the registration process you are accepting the terms and conditions including the  cancellations & refunds as outlined in this document. The information you supply on the registration  form will be used by the organising committee of NZBA24 Gala dinner for the purpose of this event  and for notifications of subsequent events. You are entitled to ask for access to, and to correct, your  personal information. IMPORTANT: You need access to a modern browser to do this – use Internet 8 or  above, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome – if your workplace does not have this loaded on your computer ask  your IT department for help. At home – these modern browsers are available to download free. 


I authorise Brewers Guild of New Zealand Incorporated to send instructions to the financial institution  that issued my card to take payments from my card account in accordance with the terms of my  agreement with you. 


Any amendments and/or cancellations must be notified in writing to the NZBA24 Gala dinner  organisers, Brewers Guild of New Zealand. Cancellations received in writing 10 working days before  the Gala dinner will be refunded in full less an administrative fee of $100. Cancellations received after  that date will not receive refunds unless exceptional circumstances prevail, and any such refund is  solely at the discretion of the organisers. Cancellation charges and administration fees will be  incurred, and payment will be sought regardless of whether your attendance costs have been paid at  the time of your cancellation. Organisers will process refunds after the event has taken place 

I acknowledge that if I book tickets less than 7 days prior to the event commencing, any requirements  (dietary, special or other) may not be able to be catered for.  


If you have booked tickets for NZBA24 Gala dinner and fail to attend without giving notice in writing  to the organisers, any other costs associated with your ticket purchase are still payable.  


In the event that the event is cancelled by the organisers, or by any reason or any factor outside the  control of the organisers the event cannot take place; the amount of the ticket price (less any  administrative costs) shall be refunded. The liability of the organisers shall be limited to that refund  and neither shall be liable for any other loss, cost or expense, however caused, incurred or arising. In  particular, neither the organisers shall be liable to refund any travel or hotel costs incurred by  delegates or their organisations. It follows that delegates and accompanying partners are advised to  take out comprehensive insurance, including travel insurance. 


Nonpayment of any invoice issued will be passed onto a collection agency. Any collection costs  incurred will be the responsibility of the debtor. 


Event delegates consent to being filmed and/or photographed for use in social media posts,  advertising, television, video, and receiving printed or emailed promotional material. If you do not  consent, please contact the event organisers. 


I agree to obey all instructions from the organisers as they relate to the Health & Safety at Work Act  2015 as they relate to NZBA24 Gala dinner. I acknowledge that I have provided all relevant  information to the organisers at the time of my registration for the NZBA24 Gala dinner. This  information enables the organisers to determine a risk profile for complying with the Health & Safety  at Work Act 2015.

DATA COLLECTION POLICY NZBA24 Gala dinner your personal information including email addresses  and data is gathered for NZBA24 Gala dinner, this is for the purpose of information for the event. The  information gathered is held in a secure server within the Brewers Guild of New Zealand website.  

The Organisers, Organising Committee and the Brewers Guild of New Zealand website employees  have direct access to your data once it is collected. This is for the purpose of organising the NZBA24  Gala dinner. 

Use of your data 

Please note that your data may be shared with the organisations and third parties as below: 

  • Brewers Guild of New Zealand website the events database is hosted from. ● Stripe, our authorised ecommerce provider. 
  • Caterers. Where you have indicated a dietary restriction, this will be provided to any catering company contracted for the event.
  • AV Company that receives Speaker presentations. 
  • Website developer
  • NZBA24 Gala dinner Organisers

Opting out 

If, at any time, you DO NOT wish your information to be shared in this way, please notify the organisers  (admin@brewersguild.org.nz) to have your information withheld. If you choose to do this, your information will  not be shared with any other parties (except those listed above). 


Neither the organisers of NZBA24 Gala dinner and its constituent members acting as organisers  (known collectively as ‘the Organisers’), nor the Brewers Guild of New Zealand (BGNZ), can accept any  liability for death, injury, any loss, cost or expense suffered by any person (including accompanying  persons or partners or attendant caregivers). In particular, neither the Organisers nor BGNZ can  accept any liability for losses arising from the provision or non-provision of services provided by hotel  companies or transport operators. Nor can the Organisers or BGNZ accept liability for losses suffered  by reason of war including threat of war, riots and civil strife, terrorist activity, natural disasters,  weather, fire, flood, drought, pandemics, technical, mechanical or electrical breakdown within any  premises visited by delegates and/or partners in connection with the NZBA24 Gala dinner and any  associated events, nor losses suffered by reason of industrial disputes, governmental action,  registrations or technical problems which may affect the services provided in connection with the  event.